Sports Psychology Services
While coaches typically focus on the physical side of sport, sport psychologists focus on athletes' minds. Sport psychologists can help athletes — professionals and amateurs alike — achieve their goals.

Individual Consultations
Dr. Sigward is available for one on one consultations with athletes and performers. After an initial evaluation, a personalized game plan is developed tailored to the type of performance enhancement that will benefit the athlete or performer the most. Like learning a new physical skill or technique, the athlete or performer must commit to working on the mental side of his/her performance over time.

Team Consultations
Dr. Sigward is available to work with teams and organizations to provide a number of services. These services include working with teams throughout the course of the season to introduce, implement and reinforce the use of valuable mental skills. These may include but are not limited to concepts including team cohesion, communication, confidence and playing well together under pressure. Individual mental skills impacting goal setting, motivation, and positive attitude are also facilitated and reinforced. The frequency and timing of contacts with each team varies depending on the needs of each team.
With team consultations, it is the primary objective of Dr. Sigward to support the coaching staff in helping the team reach its goals.

Group Consultations and Seminars
Throughout the year, Dr. Sigward will conduct seminars either pertaining to specific mental skills important to specific sports or types of performances. These are generally designed to provide an introduction to these concepts as well as ideas for individuals or teams to develop and enhance these skills over time. Dr. Sigward is also available to develop specific seminars pertaining to specific mental skill topics on request.